I help you ditch shame so you can free up time to create more joy and peace in your life.

real talk

It's time to stop feeling ashamed of your body

You have been bombarded with messages that tell you that your body isn’t good enough.

You’ve tried all the diets, tried to cardio away your unhappiness and still felt empty and broken.

You thought you’d be happier if you dropped those “last 10 pounds”

You’ve Googled how to get rid of cellulite.

You’ve tried growing your butt while minimizing your waist.

And you’ve felt like you weren't enough.

That’s because those fleeting aesthetic based goals are not enough to maintain a healthy body image. I believe in a lifestyle of movement and health centered on feeling better, not looking better.

Let me show you how to embrace your body.

Let me show you how to give your body the love it deserves.

Let me show you how to appreciate how it moves.

To embrace every bump, roll, and curve.

And it’s not just so you can say “I live my body”

It’s so you can go LIVE. Let me help you become the bold, self assured woman you always dreamed of being.

Today, I teach women to accept their bodies but before that…

I moved in and out of low lows and high highs and the belief that changing my body would solve it all and make me happy. Instead it ate away at my mental and physical health. I lived with bulimia, exercise bulimia, and body dysmorphia. I constantly tried to shrink my body in pursuit of happiness. I was sick but I appeared “normal” to everyone else. I struggled with this for a decade.

That face that I put on finally crumbled in 2016 – I moved from functioning to becoming unable to have healthy interactions. I struggled to get out of bed for months.

My body image was at an all time low and I was fed up.

I figured out how to finally ditch dieting and feel at home in my body

I decided to make a commitment to my wellness, improve my body image and take control of my health.

I started looking at exercise as a tool for health, not a means to be skinnier. I began journaling regularly to process through all the emotions and learned how to gain control.

Now I am determined to share with you the benefits of constantly improving your overall well being and recognizing the amazing woman you are.

Let’s build your joy together!

Let me help you heal your body image

Group Coaching

Work with me in my 8 week group body image coaching program. Let me walk you through your healing journey

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Book me to speak I teach body image workshops and offer keynotes for conferences and events



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