Trust the Journey

I used to be uncomfortable with myself.

I was really good at faking confidence, but on the inside riddled with insecurity. These insecurities came out as I became closer to people. I hated the things that I couldn't control about my appearance and felt I would never be considered beautiful.

I didn't have some crazy hard life. My parents always encouraged me to get an education, that I could do anything, and that I was beautiful. The lack of confidence and insecurity came from listening to other insecure people who chose to take out their problems on me.

I was a vulnerable kid, though and I didn't know how to shake it off. Words hurt no matter how much we say they don't.

It wasn't until my mid 20's that I even began to recognize how many things that were hidden in me that I needed to work out. 

There are many things that caused me to learn and love myself. First my relationship with Christ. I had to hear the truths God said about me to know I was valued. Consequently I learned what real self image and confidence actually was, and there is nothing about it that is external.

I began to fall onto my creativity and talent to find out more about me. Style was a huge driving force for self expression. Celebrating my uniqueness became the thing that allowed me to become confident. 

Now that fitness is a huge part of my life, I am learning to strengthen myself. It is more than physical but emotionally as well.

I tell you this condensed story of my life to let you know how this will be effecting my blog. Mostly my online image will remain unchanged but as I get more into wellness of the mind body and soul, it will seep into my blog and social media posts. My blog has always been about being true to myself and self care has become a huge part of who I am.

I tried locking myself into the box of only writing about style, but now I'm ok with the journey and evolution of this blog. I am thankful for the support system I've found in the online community and pray that this space will be an encouragement and guide to all of you. 



This Instagram-worthy outfit is perfect for Spring transition weather


Customize Your Style With E-Shakti|Pink Floral Bomber Jacket